our other products
Birth Chart
Tendencies and Events in a life time . We provide detailed analysis of your birth chart and identify for you the significant planetary relationships . We describe the tendencies and events these planetary relationships will manifest during a life time . This will help you understand the forces manifesting the major life events. This will also give you a reasonable idea of the tendencies that will dominate in life
Relationships Chart
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of a relationship . This will give you an understanding of what to expect in a relationship . This will help you bring the best in your relationship . This chart will also indicate to you whether breaking up may be a good option.
Year forecast
Understand the tendencies for the coming year(any 12 month period). It will also give you an idea of the sort of events you can expect and will forecast the period to expect them . This product can be very interesting and very useful
Event Chart
Understand the planetary influence in an event . This will indicate to you the nature of the forces that played a role in a significant event . This is useful for both , good and bad events . This product can be very interesting and very useful
Personal consultations by phone
Understand planetary challenges and gain actual insights into resolving the challenges . This product has the power of research and wisdom to answer a lot of difficult questions and will empower you in challenging times.